Foundations and Geotechnics Projects
a. Creation of
Drilling Equipment in attempting to execute a 1300 mm diameter micro tunnel
This project arose
from the need for the resolution of a specific problem in a project. It was
necessary to install, without opening a ditch (process of micro tunnelling),
two piping sections with a 1000mm internal diameter. We found that all micro
tunnelling equipment existing in the market with capacity for these tubes
dimension would need to operate from a pit of larger diameter (about 6 metres),
unattainable in this case, due to the available space. This way, it was
necessary to find a solution that would use a pit with 3.2 meters in diameter
(available space) with a rack of 1300mm minimum external width that would
operate with the same hydraulic system, while maintaining the principle for the
cutting and land removal. (Sifide 2008)
b. Creation of a new
Equipment: Shield Project
Creation of a new
equipment by Constrotúnel that seeks the mechanisation of the traditional
system of mining drilling, by use of a continuous protection metal shield and
the execution of the tunnel's lining with prefabricated concrete elements
inside the shield itself. (Sifide 2009)
c. Conception and
Development of Equipment in the Geotechnics and Foundations Engineering sectors
The current project
aims at the development of equipment, processes and procedures with the
objective of generating a better performance in relation to the technological
means existing in the market in the area of Geotechnics and Foundations
Engineering, in simultaneous with the operational and industrial reengineering
of our range of activities.
d. Development of
injection products for dams' foundations treatment
development of cementitious grouts solutions to be applied specifically in dam
foundations treatment (by injection).
is intended to control and minimize the risks associated (deformability/lack of
resistance, establishment of hydraulic and piezometric regimes) with a poor
and/or inadequate formulation and inappropriate conditions of application,
promoting, consequently, the good behaviour and the stability of structures
such as dams. (Sifide 2006 and 2007)
e. Polymers
development in Geotechnics
Experimental development
of custom made solutions for framing polymers' technical compliance, within the
foundations engineering scope, by proceeding to the control, monitoring and
casuistic screening of their conditions and application problems/risks, to a
more comprehensive understanding of their behaviour and functioning and to the
growing and more secure legitimacy of the respective art state. (Sifide 2006,
2007 and 2008)
f. Development and
Optimization of the Project Area in the Geotechnics and Foundations Engineering
Sustained development
of methodologies and new technical-constructive solutions, in which the
increased efficiency lies in handling and processing "know-how" and
crossing it over with the obtained results, a triangulation between calculus
engineering, the experimental observation and the ability to execute. This way,
Fundasol sought to control and detect risky situations or abnormal behaviour,
so as to promote/elect the calculation models and the most competent and of
greater added value technical-constructive procedures. (Sifide 2006,
2007 and 2008)
g. R&D Program in
the New Construction Materials Area in partnership with
University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro
(UTAD), Mota-Engil
It seeks to dominate
and develop a capacity for chemical synthesis for the conception and
development of materials with a petrified and inert constitution, without the
drawbacks and disadvantages of current cement-based materials which, in
addition to energy and environmental problems, are also characterised by limited
and insufficient durability and longevity. (Sifide 2008)