Marine and River Works Projects
a. Odelouca Dam: Experimental
Landfill of Type I
Materials In the absence of pre-defined conditions for the
Odelouca Dam type of project/construction, a study and research of onsite
existing materials was conducted and the consequent adjustment and optimization
of equipment and building methods that best encounter the specific surrounding.
(Sifide 2007 and 2008)
b. Odelouca Dam: Research and
Development of the Material to be used in Upstream rockfilling
The need to take
advantage of the available materials on the Odelouca Dam site for construction
material reinforced the need for research on the materials that would be found,
forcing to test and experiment with a quite diverse range of materials.
c. Odelouca Dam: Landfill Compaction
Control executed with Ground-Rockfilling
Research about the characteristics
of geological materials existing in the area of the Odelouca Dam and their
capacity to fulfill the necessary qualities for solid stabilizer (of the
central nucleus) of the dam, as well as the identification of their specific
implications in the building process. Definition of a new method, compatible
with the variability of the materials framed in the context of schists of
change degree of W4 to W3 in Flisch series of the Portuguese Southern area. (Sifide
2007, 2008 and 2009).