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a. New bituminous mixtures with modified bitumen with 8% Rubber
Development of a new bituminous mixture which has a structural and functional performance similar to that of a conventional draining bituminous mixture, but with a lower cost in materials (reduction of asphaltic bitumen and use of rubber from worn out tires) and also a reduction in the harmful effects on the environment. (Sifide 2008)

b. The Algarve International Circuit
To achieve better performance and longer life cycle, the properties to be ensured were: increase the mixture's cohesion, increase resistance to fatigue, ensure resistance to permanent deformation (suitable for the service conditions) and a suitable attrition level. (Sifide 2008)

c. Attrition bituminous mixture with rubber bitumen: EN13 test section
Creating a new blend with rubber bitumen with a medium incorporation rate, worn out tires' BBM, (8-15% of crumb rubber) in an attrition bituminous concrete, that is, not rough, not draining and unopened. To date, there were only open, draining and rough bituminous mixtures. (Sifide 2009)

d. Attrition layer of Grande Porto Concession
Development of a new bituminous mixture, as well as the validation of constructive procedures to use, capable of reducing noise and cost levels, while simultaneously having similar structural characteristics to the conventional ones. (Sifide 2007)

e. Paving layer treated with cement (PLTC)
This project ran from requirements of environmental nature, enforcing the appreciation and reuse of the material obtained from excavation and its use in the most prime areas of work (GLACE), without jeopardizing the technical specifications contracted for the works.

f . Technical improvement and development of processes for monitoring bituminous mixtures manufacture    
This project's central objective was to investigate and develop techniques and test methods to find new bituminous mixtures and optimize the performance of the existing mixtures . It aims to increase the technical knowledge of the materials and their assembly, fostering a new approach, with particular regard to performance assessment.
(Sifide 2007, 2008 and 2009)

g . GPR for the study of road paving
The current project includes an investigation into how the building materials reflect electromagnetic waves, a parameter whose services are still little explored in this scientific field. This study will be accomplished by the use of a device capable of registering electromagnetic waves and behaviours, in order to study parameters which are not addressed at paving level, namely the reflection amplitude and the relative electrical permittivity of the material. (Sifide 2007, 2008 and 2009)

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